SOMOS.arquitectos conference in London. Within the Simposium organized by the professors Raymond Queck (Bond University, Australia) y Robert Proctor (University of Glasgow), Luis Burriel has participated with the conference under the title "Le Corbusier: liturgical Space versus "espace Indicible" at the church of Saint-Pierre, Firminy".
This international conference presents new research on specific manifestations of these larger historical and architectural currents. Speakers consider such themes as the relationships between church architecture and liturgy; the effects of Church patronage on architectural production; the role of lay communities in the production of church space; theology, phenomenology, and architecture; case studies of modern architects; the situation of church architecture within political and social contexts; and experiences from current architectural practice.
This international conference presents new research on specific manifestations of these larger historical and architectural currents. Speakers consider such themes as the relationships between church architecture and liturgy; the effects of Church patronage on architectural production; the role of lay communities in the production of church space; theology, phenomenology, and architecture; case studies of modern architects; the situation of church architecture within political and social contexts; and experiences from current architectural practice.